Submit an Issue 📢
To report a bug, request a feature, propose a new integration, or suggest documentation improvements, please visit the Nixtla GitHub issues page. Before submitting a new issue, kindly check if it has already been reported.
Steps to Submit an Issue
Here’s a step-by-step guide on submitting an issue to the Nixtla repository.
Visit our GitHub issues page and click on the New issue button.
A list of available issue types will be displayed.
Reporting a Bug 🐞
Select Report a bug
and click on the Get started button.
The form to report the bug will appear.
- Begin by adding a concise, informative title.
- Describe the bug you’ve observed. This information is required. You can also attach relevant videos or screenshots.
- If you’re aware of what the correct behavior should be, note it down here.
- Documenting the steps leading to the bug will be of immense help to us.
- You can also add links, references, logs, screenshots, and so on.
Please ensure that your contributions abide by the contributing guidelines and code of conduct.
Thank you for your contribution! Your report aids in refining Nixtla for current and future users.
Feature Request 🚀
Select Request a feature
and click the Get started button.
The feature request form will appear.
- Start with a significant, clear title.
- Provide a detailed description of the feature you want to request, along with the reasoning behind the request. This field is mandatory. Feel free to attach related videos or screenshots.
- If you have an idea of how the feature should work, include it.
- Additional references, links, logs, and screenshots are welcome!
Please ensure that your contributions abide by the contributing guidelines and code of conduct.
Thank you for your feature request! It will help us enhance Nixtla for all users.
Suggest Documentation Improvements ✍️
Select Improve our docs
and click the Get started button.
A form for suggesting improvements will appear.
- A clear, concise title is important.
- Describe the improvements you believe are needed. This field is mandatory. Attach any related videos or screenshots, if necessary.
- Any additional references, links, logs, screenshots are appreciated!
Please ensure that your contributions abide by the contributing guidelines and code of conduct.
Thank you for your valuable suggestions! Your input helps us refine Nixtla’s documentation.
Proposing a New Integration 🧑🔧
If you have a proposal for a new database integration or a new machine learning framework, here’s how to get started:
Select `
Propose a new integration` and click the Get started button.
A form for your proposal will appear.
- Start with a clear, concise title.
- Describe your proposal and why it is needed. This field is mandatory. Feel free to attach any related videos or screenshots.
- If you have an idea of how this integration should work, include it.
- Any additional references, links, logs, screenshots, and so on, are welcome!
Please ensure that your contributions abide by the contributing guidelines and code of conduct.
Thank you for your proposal! Your suggestion helps us extend the capabilities of Nixtla.
Reviewing Issues
- Issues are reviewed on a regular basis, usually every day.
- Issues will be labeled as
based on their type. - Please be ready to respond to our feedback or questions regarding your issue.
This document is based on the documentation from MindsDB
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