Scaling time series data is an important preprocessing step when using neural forecasting methods for several reasons:

  1. Convergence speed: Neural forecasting models tend to converge faster when the features are on a similar scale.
  2. Avoiding vanishing or exploding gradients: some architectures, such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs), are sensitive to the scale of input data. If the input values are too large, it could lead to exploding gradients, where the gradients become too large and the model becomes unstable. Conversely, very small input values could lead to vanishing gradients, where weight updates during training are negligible and the training fails to converge.
  3. Ensuring consistent scale: Neural forecasting models have shared global parameters for the all time series of the task. In cases where time series have different scale, scaling ensures that no particular time series dominates the learning process.
  4. Improving generalization: time series with consistent scale can lead to smoother loss surfaces. Moreover, scaling helps to homogenize the distribution of the input data, which can also improve generalization by avoiding out-of-range values.

The Neuralforecast library integrates two types of temporal scaling:

  • Time Series Scaling: scaling each time series using all its data on the train set before start training the model. This is done by using the local_scaler_type parameter of the Neuralforecast core class.
  • Window scaling (TemporalNorm): scaling each input window separetly for each element of the batch at every training iteration. This is done by using the scaler_type parameter of each model class.

In this notebook, we will demonstrate how to scale the time series data with both methods on an Eletricity Price Forecasting (EPF) task.

You can run these experiments using GPU with Google Colab.

1. Install Neuralforecast

!pip install neuralforecast
!pip install hyperopt

2. Load Data

The df dataframe contains the target and exogenous variables past information to train the model. The unique_id column identifies the markets, ds contains the datestamps, and y the electricity price. For future variables, we include a forecast of how much electricity will be produced (gen_forecast), system load (system_laod), and day of week (week_day). Both the electricity system demand and offer impact the price significantly, including these variables to the model greatly improve performance, as we demonstrate in Olivares et al. (2022).

The futr_df dataframe includes the information of the future exogenous variables for the period we want to forecast (in this case, 24 hours after the end of the train dataset df).

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.read_csv('')
df['ds'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ds'])

futr_df = pd.read_csv('')
futr_df['ds'] = pd.to_datetime(futr_df['ds'])

0FR2015-01-01 00:00:0053.4876905.074812.03
1FR2015-01-01 01:00:0051.9375492.071469.03
2FR2015-01-01 02:00:0048.7674394.069642.03
3FR2015-01-01 03:00:0042.2772639.066704.03
4FR2015-01-01 04:00:0038.4169347.065051.03

We can see that y and the exogenous variables are on largely different scales. Next, we show two methods to scale the data.

3. Time Series Scaling with Neuralforecast class

One of the most widely used approches for scaling time series is to treat it as a pre-processing step, where each time series and temporal exogenous variables are scaled based on their entire information in the train set. Models are then trained on the scaled data.

To simplify pipelines, we added a scaling functionality to the Neuralforecast class. Each time series will be scaled before training the model with either fit or cross_validation, and scaling statistics are stored. The class then uses the stored statistics to scale the forecasts back to the original scale before returning the forecasts.

3.a. Instantiate model and Neuralforecast class

In this example we will use the TimesNet model, recently proposed in Wu, Haixu, et al. (2022). First instantiate the model with the desired parameters.

from neuralforecast.models import TimesNet
from neuralforecast.core import NeuralForecast

import logging
horizon = 24 # day-ahead daily forecast
model = TimesNet(h = horizon,                                                 # Horizon
                 input_size = 5*horizon,                                      # Length of input window
                 max_steps = 100,                                             # Training iterations
                 top_k = 3,                                                   # Number of periods (for FFT).
                 num_kernels = 3,                                             # Number of kernels for Inception module
                 batch_size = 2,                                              # Number of time series per batch
                 windows_batch_size = 32,                                     # Number of windows per batch
                 learning_rate = 0.001,                                       # Learning rate
                 futr_exog_list = ['gen_forecast', 'system_load','week_day'], # Future exogenous variables
                 scaler_type = None)                                          # We use the Core scaling method
Global seed set to 1

Fit the model by instantiating a NeuralForecast object and using the fit method. The local_scaler_type parameter is used to specify the type of scaling to be used. In this case, we will use standard, which scales the data to have zero mean and unit variance.Other supported scalers are minmax, robust, robust-iqr, minmax, and boxcox.

nf = NeuralForecast(models=[model], freq='H', local_scaler_type='standard')
Epoch 99: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  1.13it/s, v_num=181, train_loss_step=0.413, train_loss_epoch=0.413]

3.b Forecast and plots

Finally, use the predict method to forecast the day-ahead prices. The Neuralforecast class handles the inverse normalization, forecasts are returned in the original scale.

Y_hat_df = nf.predict(futr_df=futr_df)
Predicting DataLoader 0: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 26.56it/s]
BE2016-11-01 00:00:0033.748502
BE2016-11-01 01:00:0032.393269
BE2016-11-01 02:00:0029.000997
BE2016-11-01 03:00:0026.264737
BE2016-11-01 04:00:0028.841827
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plot_df = df[df['unique_id']=='FR'].tail(24*5).reset_index(drop=True)
Y_hat_df = Y_hat_df.reset_index(drop=False)
Y_hat_df = Y_hat_df[Y_hat_df['unique_id']=='FR']

plot_df = pd.concat([plot_df, Y_hat_df ]).set_index('ds') # Concatenate the train and forecast dataframes

plot_df[['y', 'TimesNet']].plot(linewidth=2)
plt.axvline('2016-11-01', color='red')
plt.ylabel('Price [EUR/MWh]', fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=12)


The inverse scaling is performed by the Neuralforecast class before returning the final forecasts. Therefore, the hyperparmater selection with Auto models and validation loss for early stopping or model selection are performed on the scaled data. Different types of scaling with the Neuralforecast class can’t be automatically compared with Auto models.

4. Temporal Window normalization during training

Temporal normalization scales each instance of the batch separately at the window level. It is performed at each training iteration for each window of the batch, for both target variable and temporal exogenous covariates. For more details, see Olivares et al. (2023) and

4.a. Instantiate model and Neuralforecast class

Temporal normalization is specified by the scaler_type argument. Currently, it is only supported for Windows-based models (NHITS, NBEATS, MLP, TimesNet, and all Transformers). In this example, we use the TimesNet model and robust scaler, recently proposed by Wu, Haixu, et al. (2022). First instantiate the model with the desired parameters.

Visit for a complete list of supported scalers.

horizon = 24 # day-ahead daily forecast
model = TimesNet(h = horizon,                                                 # Horizon
                 input_size = 5*horizon,                                      # Length of input window
                 max_steps = 100,                                             # Training iterations
                 top_k = 3,                                                   # Number of periods (for FFT).
                 num_kernels = 3,                                             # Number of kernels for Inception module
                 batch_size = 2,                                              # Number of time series per batch
                 windows_batch_size = 32,                                     # Number of windows per batch
                 learning_rate = 0.001,                                       # Learning rate
                 futr_exog_list = ['gen_forecast', 'system_load','week_day'], # Future exogenous variables
                 scaler_type = 'robust')                                      # Robust scaling
Global seed set to 1

Fit the model by instantiating a NeuralForecast object and using the fit method. Note that local_scaler_type has None as default to avoid scaling the data before training.

nf = NeuralForecast(models=[model], freq='H')
Epoch 99: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  1.73it/s, v_num=183, train_loss_step=0.977, train_loss_epoch=0.977]

4.b Forecast and plots

Finally, use the predict method to forecast the day-ahead prices. The forecasts are returned in the original scale.

Y_hat_df = nf.predict(futr_df=futr_df)
Predicting DataLoader 0: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 20.26it/s]
BE2016-11-01 00:00:0040.024895
BE2016-11-01 01:00:0035.253803
BE2016-11-01 02:00:0033.185341
BE2016-11-01 03:00:0033.572426
BE2016-11-01 04:00:0037.039207
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plot_df = df[df['unique_id']=='FR'].tail(24*5).reset_index(drop=True)
Y_hat_df = Y_hat_df.reset_index(drop=False)
Y_hat_df = Y_hat_df[Y_hat_df['unique_id']=='FR']

plot_df = pd.concat([plot_df, Y_hat_df ]).set_index('ds') # Concatenate the train and forecast dataframes

plot_df[['y', 'TimesNet']].plot(linewidth=2)
plt.axvline('2016-11-01', color='red')
plt.ylabel('Price [EUR/MWh]', fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=12)


For most applications, models with temporal normalization (section 4) produced more accurate forecasts than time series scaling (section 3). However, with temporal normalization models lose the information of the relative level between different windows. In some cases this global information within time series is crucial, for instance when an exogenous variables contains the dosage of a medication. In these cases, time series scaling (section 3) is preferred.
