In this tutorial, we explore in detail the cross-validation function in
1. Libraries
Make sure to install neuralforecast
to follow along.
2. Read the data
For this tutorial, we use part of the hourly M4 dataset. It is stored in
a parquet file for efficiency. You can use ordinary pandas operations to
read your data in other formats likes .csv
The input to
is always a data frame in long
format with
three columns: unique_id
, ds
and y
(string, int or category) represents an identifier for the series. -
(datestamp or int) column should be either an integer indexing time or a datestampe ideally like YYYY-MM-DD for a date or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS for a timestamp. -
(numeric) represents the measurement we wish to forecast.
Depending on your internet connection, this step should take around 10 seconds.
unique_id | ds | y | |
0 | H1 | 1 | 605.0 |
1 | H1 | 2 | 586.0 |
2 | H1 | 3 | 586.0 |
3 | H1 | 4 | 559.0 |
4 | H1 | 5 | 511.0 |
For simplicity, we use only a single series to explore in detail the cross-validation functionality. Also, let’s use the first 700 time steps, such that we work with round numbers, making it easier to visualize and understand cross-validation.
unique_id | ds | y | |
0 | H1 | 1 | 605.0 |
1 | H1 | 2 | 586.0 |
2 | H1 | 3 | 586.0 |
3 | H1 | 4 | 559.0 |
4 | H1 | 5 | 511.0 |
3. Using cross-validation
3.1 Using n_windows
To use the cross_validation
method, we can either: - Set the sizes of
a validation and test set - Set a number of cross-validation windows
Let’s see how it works in a minimal example. Here, we use the NHITS model and set the horizon to 100, and give an input size of 200.
First, let’s use n_windows = 4
We also set step_size
equal to the horizon. This parameter controls
the distance between each cross-validation window. By setting it equal
to the horizon, we perform chained cross-validation where the windows
do not overlap.
unique_id | ds | cutoff | NHITS | y | |
0 | H1 | 301 | 300 | 490.048950 | 485.0 |
1 | H1 | 302 | 300 | 537.713867 | 525.0 |
2 | H1 | 303 | 300 | 612.900635 | 585.0 |
3 | H1 | 304 | 300 | 689.346313 | 670.0 |
4 | H1 | 305 | 300 | 760.153992 | 747.0 |
In the figure above, we see that we have 4 cutoff points, which correspond to our four cross-validation windows. Of course, notice that the windows are set from the end of the dataset. That way, the model trains on past data to predict future data.
Important note
We start counting at 0, so counting from 0 to 99 results in a sequence of 100 data points.
Thus, the model is initially trained using time steps 0 to 299. Then, to make predictions, it takes time steps 100 to 299 (input size of 200) and it makes predictions for time steps 300 to 399 (horizon of 100).
Then, the actual values from 200 to 399 (because our model has an
of 200) are used to generate predictions over the next
window, from 400 to 499.
This process is repeated until we run out of windows.
3.2 Using a validation and test set
Instead of setting a number of windows, we can define a validation and
test set. In that case, we must set n_windows=None
Here, we predict only the test set, which corresponds to the last 200
time steps. Since the model has a forecast horizon of 100, and
is also set to 100, there are only two cross-validation
windows in the test set (200/100 = 2). Thus, we only see two cutoff
3.3 Cross-validation with refit
In the previous sections, we trained the model only once and predicted over many cross-validation windows. However, in real life, we often retrain our model with new observed data before making the next set of predictions.
We can simulate that process using refit=True
. That way, the model is
retrained at every step in the cross-validation process. In other words,
the training set is gradually expanded with new observed values and the
model is retrained before making the next set of predictions.
Notice that when we run cross-validation with refit=True
, there were 4
training loops that were completed. This is expected because the model
is now retrained with new data for each fold in the cross-validation: -
fold 1: train on the first 300 steps, predict the next 100 - fold 2:
train on the first 400 steps, predict the next 100 - fold 3: train on
the first 500 steps, predict the next 100 - fold 4: train on the first
600 steps, predict the next 100
3.4 Overlapping windows in cross-validation
In the case where step_size
is smaller than the horizon, we get
overlapping windows. This means that we make predictions more than once
for some time steps.
This is useful to test the model over more forecast windows, and it provides a more robust evaluation, as the model is tested across different segments of the series.
However, it comes with a higher computation cost, as we are making predictions more than once for some of the time steps.
In the figure above, we see that our two folds overlap between time
steps 601 and 650, since the step size is 50. This happens because: -
fold 1: model is trained using time steps 0 to 550 and predicts 551 to
650 (h=100) - fold 2: model is trained using time steps 0 to 600
) and predicts 601 to 700
Be aware that when evaluating a model trained with overlapping cross-validation windows, some time steps have more than one prediction. This may bias your evaluation metric, as the repeated time steps are taken into account in the metric multiple times.
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