
1. Auxiliary Functions


 masked_median (x, mask, dim=-1, keepdim=True)

*Masked Median

Compute the median of tensor x along dim, ignoring values where mask is False. x and mask need to be broadcastable.

x: torch.Tensor to compute median of along dim dimension.
mask: torch Tensor bool with same shape as x, where x is valid and False where x should be masked. Mask should not be all False in any column of dimension dim to avoid NaNs from zero division.
dim (int, optional): Dimension to take median of. Defaults to -1.
keepdim (bool, optional): Keep dimension of x or not. Defaults to True.

x_median: torch.Tensor with normalized values.*


 masked_mean (x, mask, dim=-1, keepdim=True)

*Masked Mean

Compute the mean of tensor x along dimension, ignoring values where mask is False. x and mask need to be broadcastable.

x: torch.Tensor to compute mean of along dim dimension.
mask: torch Tensor bool with same shape as x, where x is valid and False where x should be masked. Mask should not be all False in any column of dimension dim to avoid NaNs from zero division.
dim (int, optional): Dimension to take mean of. Defaults to -1.
keepdim (bool, optional): Keep dimension of x or not. Defaults to True.

x_mean: torch.Tensor with normalized values.*

2. Scalers


 minmax_statistics (x, mask, eps=1e-06, dim=-1)

*MinMax Scaler

Standardizes temporal features by ensuring its range dweels between [0,1] range. This transformation is often used as an alternative to the standard scaler. The scaled features are obtained as:

z=(x[B,T,C]min(x)[B,1,C])/(max(x)[B,1,C]min(x)[B,1,C]) \mathbf{z} = (\mathbf{x}_{[B,T,C]}-\mathrm{min}({\mathbf{x}})_{[B,1,C]})/ (\mathrm{max}({\mathbf{x}})_{[B,1,C]}- \mathrm{min}({\mathbf{x}})_{[B,1,C]})

x: torch.Tensor input tensor.
mask: torch Tensor bool, same dimension as x, indicates where x is valid and False where x should be masked. Mask should not be all False in any column of dimension dim to avoid NaNs from zero division.
eps (float, optional): Small value to avoid division by zero. Defaults to 1e-6.
dim (int, optional): Dimension over to compute min and max. Defaults to -1.

z: torch.Tensor same shape as x, except scaled.*


 minmax1_statistics (x, mask, eps=1e-06, dim=-1)

*MinMax1 Scaler

Standardizes temporal features by ensuring its range dweels between [-1,1] range. This transformation is often used as an alternative to the standard scaler or classic Min Max Scaler. The scaled features are obtained as:

z=2(x[B,T,C]min(x)[B,1,C])/(max(x)[B,1,C]min(x)[B,1,C])1\mathbf{z} = 2 (\mathbf{x}_{[B,T,C]}-\mathrm{min}({\mathbf{x}})_{[B,1,C]})/ (\mathrm{max}({\mathbf{x}})_{[B,1,C]}- \mathrm{min}({\mathbf{x}})_{[B,1,C]})-1

x: torch.Tensor input tensor.
mask: torch Tensor bool, same dimension as x, indicates where x is valid and False where x should be masked. Mask should not be all False in any column of dimension dim to avoid NaNs from zero division.
eps (float, optional): Small value to avoid division by zero. Defaults to 1e-6.
dim (int, optional): Dimension over to compute min and max. Defaults to -1.

z: torch.Tensor same shape as x, except scaled.*


 std_statistics (x, mask, dim=-1, eps=1e-06)

*Standard Scaler

Standardizes features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance along the dim dimension.

For example, for base_windows models, the scaled features are obtained as (with dim=1):

z=(x[B,T,C]xˉ[B,1,C])/σ^[B,1,C]\mathbf{z} = (\mathbf{x}_{[B,T,C]}-\bar{\mathbf{x}}_{[B,1,C]})/\hat{\sigma}_{[B,1,C]}

x: torch.Tensor.
mask: torch Tensor bool, same dimension as x, indicates where x is valid and False where x should be masked. Mask should not be all False in any column of dimension dim to avoid NaNs from zero division.
eps (float, optional): Small value to avoid division by zero. Defaults to 1e-6.
dim (int, optional): Dimension over to compute mean and std. Defaults to -1.

z: torch.Tensor same shape as x, except scaled.*


 robust_statistics (x, mask, dim=-1, eps=1e-06)

*Robust Median Scaler

Standardizes features by removing the median and scaling with the mean absolute deviation (mad) a robust estimator of variance. This scaler is particularly useful with noisy data where outliers can heavily influence the sample mean / variance in a negative way. In these scenarios the median and amd give better results.

For example, for base_windows models, the scaled features are obtained as (with dim=1):

z=(x[B,T,C]median(x)[B,1,C])/mad(x)[B,1,C]\mathbf{z} = (\mathbf{x}_{[B,T,C]}-\textrm{median}(\mathbf{x})_{[B,1,C]})/\textrm{mad}(\mathbf{x})_{[B,1,C]}

mad(x)=1Nxmedian(x)\textrm{mad}(\mathbf{x}) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{}|\mathbf{x} - \mathrm{median}(x)|

x: torch.Tensor input tensor.
mask: torch Tensor bool, same dimension as x, indicates where x is valid and False where x should be masked. Mask should not be all False in any column of dimension dim to avoid NaNs from zero division.
eps (float, optional): Small value to avoid division by zero. Defaults to 1e-6.
dim (int, optional): Dimension over to compute median and mad. Defaults to -1.

z: torch.Tensor same shape as x, except scaled.*


 invariant_statistics (x, mask, dim=-1, eps=1e-06)

*Invariant Median Scaler

Standardizes features by removing the median and scaling with the mean absolute deviation (mad) a robust estimator of variance. Aditionally it complements the transformation with the arcsinh transformation.

For example, for base_windows models, the scaled features are obtained as (with dim=1):

z=(x[B,T,C]median(x)[B,1,C])/mad(x)[B,1,C]\mathbf{z} = (\mathbf{x}_{[B,T,C]}-\textrm{median}(\mathbf{x})_{[B,1,C]})/\textrm{mad}(\mathbf{x})_{[B,1,C]}

z=arcsinh(z)\mathbf{z} = \textrm{arcsinh}(\mathbf{z})

x: torch.Tensor input tensor.
mask: torch Tensor bool, same dimension as x, indicates where x is valid and False where x should be masked. Mask should not be all False in any column of dimension dim to avoid NaNs from zero division.
eps (float, optional): Small value to avoid division by zero. Defaults to 1e-6.
dim (int, optional): Dimension over to compute median and mad. Defaults to -1.

z: torch.Tensor same shape as x, except scaled.*


 identity_statistics (x, mask, dim=-1, eps=1e-06)

*Identity Scaler

A placeholder identity scaler, that is argument insensitive.

x: torch.Tensor input tensor.
mask: torch Tensor bool, same dimension as x, indicates where x is valid and False where x should be masked. Mask should not be all False in any column of dimension dim to avoid NaNs from zero division.
eps (float, optional): Small value to avoid division by zero. Defaults to 1e-6.
dim (int, optional): Dimension over to compute median and mad. Defaults to -1.

x: original torch.Tensor x.*

3. TemporalNorm Module


 TemporalNorm (scaler_type='robust', dim=-1, eps=1e-06, num_features=None)

*Temporal Normalization

Standardization of the features is a common requirement for many machine learning estimators, and it is commonly achieved by removing the level and scaling its variance. The TemporalNorm module applies temporal normalization over the batch of inputs as defined by the type of scaler.

z[B,T,C]=Scaler(x[B,T,C])\mathbf{z}_{[B,T,C]} = \textrm{Scaler}(\mathbf{x}_{[B,T,C]})

If scaler_type is revin learnable normalization parameters are added on top of the usual normalization technique, the parameters are learned through scale decouple global skip connections. The technique is available for point and probabilistic outputs.

z^[B,T,C]=γ^[1,1,C]z[B,T,C]+β^[1,1,C]\mathbf{\hat{z}}_{[B,T,C]} = \boldsymbol{\hat{\gamma}}_{[1,1,C]} \mathbf{z}_{[B,T,C]} +\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}}_{[1,1,C]}

scaler_type: str, defines the type of scaler used by TemporalNorm. Available [identity, standard, robust, minmax, minmax1, invariant, revin].
dim (int, optional): Dimension over to compute scale and shift. Defaults to -1.
eps (float, optional): Small value to avoid division by zero. Defaults to 1e-6.
num_features: int=None, for RevIN-like learnable affine parameters initialization.

- Kin G. Olivares, David Luo, Cristian Challu, Stefania La Vattiata, Max Mergenthaler, Artur Dubrawski (2023). “HINT: Hierarchical Mixture Networks For Coherent Probabilistic Forecasting”. Neural Information Processing Systems, submitted. Working Paper version available at arxiv.


 TemporalNorm.transform (x, mask)

*Center and scale the data.

x: torch.Tensor shape [batch, time, channels].
mask: torch Tensor bool, shape [batch, time] where x is valid and False where x should be masked. Mask should not be all False in any column of dimension dim to avoid NaNs from zero division.

z: torch.Tensor same shape as x, except scaled.*


 TemporalNorm.inverse_transform (z, x_shift=None, x_scale=None)

*Scale back the data to the original representation.

z: torch.Tensor shape [batch, time, channels], scaled.

x: torch.Tensor original data.*


import numpy as np
# Declare synthetic batch to normalize
x1 = 10**0 * np.arange(36)[:, None]
x2 = 10**1 * np.arange(36)[:, None]

np_x = np.concatenate([x1, x2], axis=1)
np_x = np.repeat(np_x[None, :,:], repeats=2, axis=0)
np_x[0,:,:] = np_x[0,:,:] + 100

np_mask = np.ones(np_x.shape)
np_mask[:, -12:, :] = 0

print(f'x.shape [batch, time, features]={np_x.shape}')
print(f'mask.shape [batch, time, features]={np_mask.shape}')
# Validate scalers
x = 1.0*torch.tensor(np_x)
mask = torch.tensor(np_mask)
scaler = TemporalNorm(scaler_type='standard', dim=1)
x_scaled = scaler.transform(x=x, mask=mask)
x_recovered = scaler.inverse_transform(x_scaled)

plt.plot(x[0,:,0], label='x1', color='#78ACA8')
plt.plot(x[0,:,1], label='x2',  color='#E3A39A')
plt.title('Before TemporalNorm')

plt.plot(x_scaled[0,:,0], label='x1', color='#78ACA8')
plt.plot(x_scaled[0,:,1]+0.1, label='x2+0.1', color='#E3A39A')
plt.title(f'TemporalNorm \'{scaler.scaler_type}\' ')

plt.plot(x_recovered[0,:,0], label='x1', color='#78ACA8')
plt.plot(x_recovered[0,:,1], label='x2', color='#E3A39A')