You can install the released version of NeuralForecast from the Python package index with:

pip install neuralforecast


conda install -c conda-forge neuralforecast


Neural Forecasting methods profit from using GPU computation. Be sure to have Cuda installed.


We are constantly updating neuralforecast, so we suggest fixing the version to avoid issues. pip install neuralforecast=="1.0.0"


We recommend installing your libraries inside a python virtual or conda environment.


You can use the following extras to add optional functionality:

  • distributed training with spark: pip install neuralforecast[spark]
  • saving and loading from S3: pip install neuralforecast[aws]

User our env (optional)

If you don’t have a Conda environment and need tools like Numba, Pandas, NumPy, Jupyter, Tune, and Nbdev you can use ours by following these steps:

  1. Clone the NeuralForecast repo:
$ git clone && cd neuralforecast
  1. Create the environment using the environment.yml file:
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
  1. Activate the environment:
$ conda activate neuralforecast
  1. Install NeuralForecast Dev
$ pip install -e ".[dev]"