To assist the evaluation of hierarchical forecasting systems, we make available an evaluate function that can be used in combination with loss functions from utilsforecast.losses.



 evaluate (df:~FrameT, metrics:list[typing.Callable],
           tags:dict[str,numpy.ndarray], models:Optional[list[str]]=None,
           level:Optional[list[int]]=None, id_col:str='unique_id',
           time_col:str='ds', target_col:str='y',
           agg_fn:Optional[str]='mean', benchmark:Optional[str]=None)

Evaluate hierarchical forecast using different metrics.

dfFrameTForecasts to evaluate.
Must have id_col, time_col, target_col and models’ predictions.
metricslistFunctions with arguments df, models, id_col, target_col and optionally train_df.
tagsdictEach key is a level in the hierarchy and its value contains tags associated to that level.
modelsOptionalNoneNames of the models to evaluate.
If None will use every column in the dataframe after removing id, time and target.
train_dfOptionalNoneTraining set. Used to evaluate metrics such as mase.
levelOptionalNonePrediction interval levels. Used to compute losses that rely on quantiles.
id_colstrunique_idColumn that identifies each serie.
time_colstrdsColumn that identifies each timestep, its values can be timestamps or integers.
target_colstryColumn that contains the target.
agg_fnOptionalmeanStatistic to compute on the scores by id to reduce them to a single number.
benchmarkOptionalNoneIf passed, evaluators are scaled by the error of this benchmark model.
ReturnsFrameTMetrics with one row per (id, metric) combination and one column per model.
If agg_fn is not None, there is only one row per metric.


import pandas as pd

from hierarchicalforecast.core import HierarchicalReconciliation
from hierarchicalforecast.methods import BottomUp, MinTrace
from hierarchicalforecast.utils import aggregate
from hierarchicalforecast.evaluation import evaluate
from statsforecast.core import StatsForecast
from statsforecast.models import AutoETS
from utilsforecast.losses import mase, rmse
from functools import partial

# Load TourismSmall dataset
df = pd.read_csv('')
df = df.rename({'Trips': 'y', 'Quarter': 'ds'}, axis=1)
df.insert(0, 'Country', 'Australia')
qs = df['ds'].str.replace(r'(\d+) (Q\d)', r'\1-\2', regex=True)
df['ds'] = pd.PeriodIndex(qs, freq='Q').to_timestamp()

# Create hierarchical seires based on geographic levels and purpose
# And Convert quarterly ds string to pd.datetime format
hierarchy_levels = [['Country'],
                    ['Country', 'State'], 
                    ['Country', 'Purpose'], 
                    ['Country', 'State', 'Region'], 
                    ['Country', 'State', 'Purpose'], 
                    ['Country', 'State', 'Region', 'Purpose']]

Y_df, S_df, tags = aggregate(df=df, spec=hierarchy_levels)

# Split train/test sets
Y_test_df  = Y_df.groupby('unique_id').tail(8)
Y_train_df = Y_df.drop(Y_test_df.index)

# Compute base auto-ETS predictions
# Careful identifying correct data freq, this data quarterly 'Q'
fcst = StatsForecast(models=[AutoETS(season_length=4, model='ZZA')], freq='QS', n_jobs=-1)
Y_hat_df = fcst.forecast(df=Y_train_df, h=8, fitted=True)
Y_fitted_df = fcst.forecast_fitted_values()

reconcilers = [
hrec = HierarchicalReconciliation(reconcilers=reconcilers)
Y_rec_df = hrec.reconcile(Y_hat_df=Y_hat_df, 
                          S=S_df, tags=tags)

# Evaluate
eval_tags = {}
eval_tags['Total'] = tags['Country']
eval_tags['Purpose'] = tags['Country/Purpose']
eval_tags['State'] = tags['Country/State']
eval_tags['Regions'] = tags['Country/State/Region']
eval_tags['Bottom'] = tags['Country/State/Region/Purpose']

Y_rec_df_with_y = Y_rec_df.merge(Y_test_df, on=['unique_id', 'ds'], how='left')
mase_p = partial(mase, seasonality=4)

evaluation = evaluate(Y_rec_df_with_y, 
         metrics=[mase_p, rmse], 

numeric_cols = evaluation.select_dtypes(include="number").columns
evaluation[numeric_cols] = evaluation[numeric_cols].map('{:.2f}'.format)
