Download data class



 M5 (source_url:str='

Test number of series

Evaluation class



 M5Evaluation ()

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

URL-based evaluation

The method evaluate from the class M5Evaluation can receive a url of a submission to the M5 competiton.

The results compared to the on-the-fly evaluation were obtained from the official evaluation.

m5_winner_url = ''
winner_evaluation = M5Evaluation.evaluate('data', m5_winner_url)
# Test of the same evaluation as the original one
test_close(winner_evaluation.loc['Total'].item(), 0.520, eps=1e-3)

Pandas-based evaluation

Also the method evaluate can recevie a pandas DataFrame of forecasts.

m5_second_place_url = ''
m5_second_place_forecasts = M5Evaluation.load_benchmark('data', m5_second_place_url)
second_place_evaluation = M5Evaluation.evaluate('data', m5_second_place_forecasts)
# Test of the same evaluation as the original one
test_close(second_place_evaluation.loc['Total'].item(), 0.528, eps=1e-3)

By default you can load the winner benchmark using the following.

winner_benchmark = M5Evaluation.load_benchmark('data')
winner_evaluation = M5Evaluation.evaluate('data', winner_benchmark)
# Test of the same evaluation as the original one
test_close(winner_evaluation.loc['Total'].item(), 0.520, eps=1e-3)

Validation evaluation

You can also evaluate the official validation set.

winner_benchmark_val = M5Evaluation.load_benchmark('data', validation=True)
winner_evaluation_val = M5Evaluation.evaluate('data', winner_benchmark_val, validation=True)

Kaggle-Competition-M5 References

The evaluation metric of the Favorita Kaggle competition was the normalized weighted root mean squared logarithmic error (NWRMSLE). Perishable items have a score weight of 1.25; otherwise, the weight is 1.0.

NWRMSLE=i=1nwi(log(y^i+1)log(yi+1))2i=1nwi NWRMSLE = \sqrt{\frac{\sum^{n}_{i=1} w_{i}\left(log(\hat{y}_{i}+1) - log(y_{i}+1)\right)^{2}}{\sum^{n}_{i=1} w_{i}}}

Kaggle Competition Forecasting Methods16D ahead NWRMSLE
LGBM [1]0.5091
Seq2Seq WaveNet [2]0.5129
  1. Corporación Favorita. Corporación favorita grocery sales forecasting. Kaggle Competition Leaderboard, 2018.
  2. Glib Kechyn, Lucius Yu, Yangguang Zang, and Svyatoslav Kechyn. Sales forecasting using wavenet within the framework of the Favorita Kaggle competition. Computing Research Repository, abs/1803.04037, 2018.